Top 3 Reasons To Get Roller Shutters

Here are your Top 3 reasons to install your roller shutters before Winter

We understand that the weather can be pretty unpredictable in the colder seasons – so we’ve compiled a list of reasons for why getting your remote control roller shutters installed as soon as possible is so critical!

1. Temperature Assistance

The coldness of Winter has been changing drastically in the past few years, but getting motorised roller shutters can help you regulate the temperature of your home. Our products that best help temperature problems are our aluminium Alulux roller shutters, which assist with thermal energy saving. Windows alone may take up only 10% of the entire building envelope, but approximately 45% of your thermal energy is lost – until you install your roller shutters! We have seen energy loss improved by 30 – 45% with our products, which gives you year-round savings. We have a maximum 2-week turnaround, so give us a call to discuss your options!

2. Sound Management

In the coming months we are sure to expect rain and hail, which can be very loud and could disturb your sleep. We recommend our range of motorised roller shutters because they will assist in regulating the sound that comes into your home. We have seen improved sound cushioning of up to 10 decibels once we’ve installed at homes and businesses. This means that if you work FIFO or are a shift worker, we can install your roller shutters to provide you with a sound and stable sleep pattern – letting you get the rest you deserve.

3. Weather Safety

We also need to be prepared for severe wind and hail warnings, similar to what we’ve seen in the past. Our range of highly protective Alulux roller shutters can help to shelter you and your home against even the most chaotic storms.

We have a maximum 2-week turnaround, so give us a call to discuss your options! Reach out to the team at South West remote control roller shutters for your stress and obligation-free quote today!

roller shutters bunbury motorised roller shutters
roller shutters bunbury motorised roller shutters
motorised roller shutters